Safeguarding your child

Safeguarding the well being of all children, families and staff is of paramount importance to Links and we all have a duty of care to ensure every child feels protected, valued and listened to.

The Links Daycare Centre has three Designated Safeguarding Leads who are contactable at all times- Sarah Shilton, Joanne Starkey and Kerrie Bedingham.

Members of our Board of Directors also have the DSL qualification and experience.

All staff are trained in Child Protection and as a setting we keep it live and current every day, through our policies and procedures.

If your child arrives at nursery or for wraparound care with an existing injury, we would appreciate that you inform us and complete the relevant form, which will be stored in our safeguarding file. Likewise, if your child injures themselves at nursery or in wraparound care, an accident form will be completed, you will be notified and required to sign in acknowledgement and if you wish you can have a copy of the form.


Please note that should the need arise for us to inform Social Care, due to behaviours witnessed or a child discloses information to us, then you will be notified in the first instance, unless by doing so would put the child at risk of further potential danger.


Children and Families Front Door ( information for Parents/ Carers)

Information Sharing –  Information pack

Children and Families Front Door Referrals:

NSPCC keeping children safe ( on line and e-safety in the physical world)

We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued.